Our Church Organizations
What we're doing together...
Showing everyone the love of Christ and sharing with everyone life in Christ, the members of St. Matthew Evangelical Lutheran Church strive to teach, serve, and engage in meaningful fellowship with one another.

Sunday School
St. Matthew has Sunday School for children ages three and older every Sunday at 9:30am. In Sunday school, children grow in their Christian faith through learning bible stories and making bible-themed crafts.
Every summer, St. Matthew's Sunday School hosts Vacation Bible School. In December, the Sunday School performs its annual Christmas program.
St. Matthew's Sunday School donates "My Very First Holy Bible" to all children in need of their first bible (both members and visitors).

Fellowship Club
The St. Matthew Fellowship Club's primary purpose is to cultivate Christian fellowship both moral and spiritual within the church itself, and to practice Christian love towards one another. This is accomplished by service to our congregation and active participation in wholesome entertainment and activities among fellow Christians. The "big event" for the club has been its annual Easter Breakfast, which is offered to everyone attending Easter Sunday Services. The Fellowship Club members also sponsor Coffee & Cookies following each Lenten Service. Throughout the year the members enjoy going out to dinners and also have an annual cookout during the Summer months. Another Summer event is an outing to an Akron Aeros baseball game at Canal Park. Membership is open and extended to all adult members of St. Matthew Lutheran Church. Meetings are held the second Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm.

Altar Guild
The Altar Guild Society exists as the assistant to the Pastor and is in the service of the congregation. The Guild's primary responsibilities are the care and preservation of the altar paraments and communion ware. This includes polishing the silver and brass and filling the candles. Each member is taught how the silver and linens are placed on the altar for communion, what color paraments should be placed on the altar, and their significance. The Altar Guild schedules their meetings prior to Easter and Christmas.
LWML & Ladies Aid
Ladies Aid/LWML volunteers their services for the church by holding dinners for special occasions. In September Ladies Aid helps with the annual church picnic. The Ladies Aid maintains the kitchen of the church to keep it in "working order" and throughout the year the members sponsor Bake Sales, a Pancake Breakfast, and Coffee & Cookies once a month after services. Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month at 12:30 pm.

Youth & Young Adult Ministry
St. Matthew Lutheran Church provides opportunities for youth and young adults to continue growing in their knowledge of the faith after confirmation and into their college years. Sunday morning youth bible study, midweek young adult fellowship, and opportunities to attend Lutheran youth conferences are offered.

Helping Hands
The Helping Hands/LWML sponsor different drives and fundraisers throughout the year. Their main fundraiser is a Holiday Craft Show held in November. They also collect items for gift bags for various organizations in need and have sponsored dinners as fundraisers. Meetings are scheduled on a Sunday after worship services.The Motto for this organization is "Serve the Lord with Gladness."
We are a mission minded club by helping the Lutheran World Relief, by collecting "mite money" to help the mission churches within our synod. We have purchased computers, altar paraments, church signs, chairs, etc. to help furnish the mission churches.